Empowerment by medial staging
A method to make aging in a working-society visible
- Funded by EQUAL II (ESF and Austrian Ministry for Economy and Labour)
- Project-frame: EQUAL DP „U-Turn“ coordinated by Bundesdachverband für Soziale Unternehmen (bdv)
- National research
- Period: 2005-2007
- Method: Biografical research with audio-visual components
- Projekt-partner: Paul Weihs (rewalk)
'Empowerment by medial staging' is a two-tool interdisciplinary approach: Biographic learning as an intervention process and media as an expression of biographically acquired experiences. The focus of both is the individual with his/her unique biography and the embedded self-determination authority. Along a 'dramaturgy', prepared together with the participants in their life environment, they were inspired to cinematic self-staging, whereby the experienced reality was 'divested' in a manner of speaking 'on the stage'. Thus, the clients became actors. This creation of a distance between 'stage' and 'reality' is the principal focus of the approach. This method enables a barrier and obstruction-free experimental space and a sensual playful-creative discovery of the available possibilities and abilities. The hereby accomplished testing of new articulation and activity fields promotes the self-perception competence lastingly and thus the feeling of self-esteem. Thus, the potential of the individuals is brought forth over the detour of medial staging and returned to their social reality over a deliberation loop, thereby promoting the development of individual activity orientations.
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